Requirements for comparative life cycle assessment studies for single-use and reusable packaging and products: recommendation for decision and policy-makers
Life cycle assessments (LCAs) are sensitive snapshots of a products’ environmental impact, and their findings depend on how they are framed and modelled. Variations in assumptions, functional unit or system boundaries can completely change results and undermine their applicability and final outcome. In the framework of the circular economy, particularly important assumptions for reusable and single-use packaging include the number of reuses, weight, sanitising method, transport logistics and any other aspect which may influence the use phase. In addition, these variables are not fixed over time and may be affected by future changes in product design, consumers’ habits or the supply chain management. As a consequence, the impact of different packaging options is not immutable and could change. Therefore, while comparing reusable versus single-use packaging, there is an urgent need to clarify and integrate the methodological requirements necessary to guarantee the reliability of studies and allow for impartial comparability of results.