Semi-formal and formal specification of a telerehabilitation system for chronic respiratory diseases: methodology and feedback
The project we are interested in involves designing and developing a smartphone application for patients participating in a clinical trial about chronic respiratory diseases, as well as a desktop application for healthcare professionals involved in monitoring the patients. This system serves a dual purpose: (i) encourage patients to follow multi-activity pathways and receive feedback; (ii) enable the care team to monitor patients’ condition and notify them of milestones. In this article, we demonstrate how the main stakeholders (medical experts, physical activity specialists, nutritionists) were integrated into the requirements engineering phase, resulting in the establishment of textual specifications, UML models, and Uppaal models. This approach has proven to be beneficial in terms of sharing knowledge, validating the telerehabilitation processes, and verifying their liveness and safety properties. Despite the stakeholders’ lack of training in modelling and verification techniques, they greatly appreciated this approach.